How to List MySQL Users
Assalamu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
When using MySQL as a backend database, sometimes we need to list the MySQL users to see whom have access to the database server, heres how :
Login to MySQL Database Command Line Interfaces
[sourcecode language=”bash”]
mysql -u mysql-user -p mysql-user-password
Then run this command
[sourcecode language=”bash”]
select user from mysql.user ;
Sometimes we need to know from which machine the user have access, so run this command
[sourcecode language=”bash”]
select host,user from mysql.user ;
Here’s the example of the result
[sourcecode language=”bash”]
| host | user |
| | wp-home-edu |
| | wp-home-org |
| | wp-home-tv |
| | wp-home-sd |
| | root |
| localhost | debian-sys-maint |
| localhost | root |
| walldb | root |
Happy Administer System !
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