A Father of four children, and wants to lead all of the family to reach the highest location in Jannah
Dari Ibnu Abbas ia berkata, "Dahulu aku pernah berada di belakang Rasulullah, lalu beliau bersabda: "Wahai anak kecil sesungguhnya aku ingin mengajarimu beberapa kalimat, jagalah Allah, maka pasti Allah menjagamu, jagalah Allah pasti kau akan dapati Allah dihadapanmu. Apabila engkau meminta maka mintalah kepada Allah dan jika engkau meminta pertolongan maka mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah. Ketahuilah, seandainya suatu umat berkumpul untuk memberikan manfaat kepadamu maka mereka tidak akan bisa memberi manfaat tersebut kecuali yang telah Allah takdirkan untukmu dan apabila mereka berkumpul untuk memadharatkanmu maka mereka tidak akan bisa memadharatkanmu kecuali dengan apa-apa yang Allah takdirkan atasmu, telah diangkat pena dan telah kering lembaran-lembaran(takdir)" (HR. Tirmidzi, hasan shohih)

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How to Backup “Ice Cream Sandwich – Android” Content and Restore to “Jelly Bean – Android”

Posted By ariandita on January 8th, 2014

Assalamu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

A week or two I’ve been searching for the solution of the title but unfortunately I could not find any solution that worked for me. I have to upgrade my android tablet to Jelly Bean 4.1.1 because the Need for Speed Most Wanted that I like to play most is not working in 4.0.4 Android in my Tabulet Beat Duos.

The game application data have to be safe, because my children will complain if their savegames gone, but Google can not find any solution that worked great. I have to do it for the first time because no one in Google Search share the solution, so i decide to backup my ICS with three Backup Application

1. Android Shell Backup

2. Go Backup

3. Helium App Backup and Restore

The two backup and restore tool are downloaded and installed from Google Play Store and the Android Shell Backup ( ADB Backup ) run from computer that connected to my tablet via USB Cable.

I don’t want to download all apllication from the first application that installed, so I backup the *.apk with the Clean Master tool. After all the preparation completed I upgraded the ICS ( 4.0.4) to Jelly Bean ( 4.1.1 ) and……………………

1. Android Shell Backup failed to restore the state

2. I installed the program by using the *.apk that have been backed up and restore the app-data by Helium App Backup and Restore, not all app-data can be transferred but the failed-to-transferred app-data is not much.

So the trial-solution is worked for me, things that should be done before the migration is

1. Update all installed program to latest version before backing up

2. After upgraded the Android version to 4.1.1 do a full application update, so the app-data that have been backed up will be restore to the right application version.

Good luck, I hope this solution is worked on any version to any version of Android, but not tested. If you try and working please let me know. Thanks.

How to Set Outlook Anywhere On in binus.edu email Account

Posted By ariandita on November 7th, 2012

Binus Exchange Server have Outlook Anywhere On that means you can connect to Email Server from internet with Microsoft Outlook Client, here how to set your Microsoft Outlook 2007 to access binus.edu email account from the internet

Open Microsoft Outlook 2007

Select Tools – Options

On Account Settings windows click Change

On Change E-mail Account window click More Settings

On Microsoft Exchange windows please select Connection tab

On Connection tab please check the Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP options, and click on Exchange Proxy Setting to change detail configuration

On Microsoft Exchange Proxy Setting fill in Use This URL to connect to my proxy server for Exchange with mail.binus.edu , check the Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their certificate option and fill it with msstd:mail.binus.edu

Click OK

Click OK

Click OK

Click Next

Click Finish

Click Close

Please restart your Microsoft Outlook 2007 to have newly setting applied

How to add binus.edu account to your Blackberry Internet Service

Posted By ariandita on June 28th, 2010

The last Friday is like a nightmare for Binus Datacenter. Our Microsoft Exchange 2007 Client Access Server is dead. The Volume that contains Windows 2003 Operating System is corrupt. Fortunately we have another server that can be promoted to become a Client Access Server. Almost two days we tried to recovered the dying server. And we’ve done it on Saturday. Now we have all system ready but another problem occurred. Everyone that have a Blackberry and connect to our mail system via Blackberry Internet Service report that they don’t receive email for the past three days.

Although Data Center Staff do not have any Blackberry Device we try to get one to try the BIS setting. The problem solved when we erased the old account and created new one.

Please provide these data on the Provider’s Web Email Setting, open your Blackberry Web Browser and open this site

for Telkomsel : http://telkomsel.blackberry.com/
for Indosat : http://indosat.blackberry.com
for XL : http://www.xl.blackberry.com
for 3 : http://tri.blackberry.com/
for Axis : http://axis.blackberry.com/

Please provide this data in the next page

1. Email address : blablabla@binus.edu

2. Your password : “Binus1234”  ( Binus default password )

and click Next

your Blackberry Device will say

The email address or password is incorrect, or we need more detail

Retype the information or provide additonal settings.

Please select the Provide Additional Setting

1. Select Microsoft Outlook WebAccess

2. Provide the Outlook Web Access address for Binus : https://mail.binus.edu/owa

3. Login Name : binus/blablabla

4. Mailbox Name : blablabla

Klik Next

Your Blackberry should accept your configuration.